package bot import ( "fmt" "log" getMaze "mazesolver/internal/getmaze" "mazesolver/internal/outputmaze" "mazesolver/internal/solvemaze" "os" "os/signal" "strings" "" ) var ( appId = "1335044960898252830" guildId = "" ) func Run(BotToken string) { discord, err := discordgo.New(("Bot " + BotToken)) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Bot 1"); log.Fatal(err) } _, err = discord.ApplicationCommandBulkOverwrite(appId, guildId, []*discordgo.ApplicationCommand { { Name: "solve-maze", Description: "solve one of tilley's mazes", Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption { { Type: discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionString, Name: "message-link", Description: "link to maze image", Required: true, }, }, }, }, ) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Bot 2"); log.Fatal(err) } discord.AddHandler(func ( s *discordgo.Session, i *discordgo.InteractionCreate, ) { if i.Type == discordgo.InteractionApplicationCommand { data := i.ApplicationCommandData() responseData := "" if i.Interaction.Member.User.ID == s.State.User.ID { return; } switch data.Name { case "solve-maze": maze, err := getMaze.GetMaze(i.ApplicationCommandData().Options[0].Value.(string)) if err != nil { responseData = "You must provide an image! Select the maze, click \"open in browser\", and copy the link of the image" } else { if (len(maze) < 1) { responseData = "You must provide an image! Select the maze, click \"open in browser\", and copy the link of the image" } else { points := solvemaze.FindPath(maze) if (len(points) < 1) { responseData = "You must provide an image! Select the maze, click \"open in browser\", and copy the link of the image" } else { outputmaze.EditMaze(points, "/tmp/maze.png", "/tmp/outputmaze.png") maze = nil points = nil }}}} if responseData == "" { fileName := "/tmp/outputmaze.png" f, _ := os.Open(fileName) defer f.Close() err = s.InteractionRespond( i.Interaction, &discordgo.InteractionResponse{ Type: discordgo.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource, Data: &discordgo.InteractionResponseData{ Files: []*discordgo.File{ &discordgo.File{ Name: fileName, Reader: f, }, }, }, }, ) if err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "413") { responseData = "Solution file is too large!" } else { responseData = err.Error() } } if responseData != "" { err = s.InteractionRespond( i.Interaction, &discordgo.InteractionResponse{ Type: discordgo.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource, Data: &discordgo.InteractionResponseData{ Flags: 1 << 6, Content: responseData, }, }, ) } } }}) discord.AddHandler(func ( s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.MessageCreate, ) { if (m.Content == "-solve") { if (m.MessageReference == nil) { s.ChannelMessageSendReply(m.ChannelID, "Please reply to a message with a maze", m.Reference()) } else { reply, err := s.ChannelMessage(m.MessageReference.ChannelID, m.MessageReference.MessageID) if (err != nil) { s.ChannelMessageSendReply(m.ChannelID, "Please reply to a message with a maze", m.Reference()) } else { if (len(reply.Attachments) < 1) { s.ChannelMessageSendReply(m.ChannelID, "Reply does not contain a maze", m.Reference()) } else if (len(reply.Attachments) > 1) { s.ChannelMessageSendReply(m.ChannelID, "Too many images!", m.Reference()) } else { maze, err := getMaze.GetMaze(reply.Attachments[0].URL) if (err != nil) { s.ChannelMessageSendReply(m.ChannelID, "Send a valid maze", m.Reference()) } else { points := solvemaze.FindPath(maze) _, err := outputmaze.EditMaze(points, "/tmp/maze.png", "/tmp/outputmaze.png") if err != nil { s.ChannelMessageSendReply(m.ChannelID, "server error", m.Reference()) } maze = nil points = nil f, _ := os.Open("/tmp/outputmaze.png") _, err = s.ChannelMessageSendComplex(m.ChannelID, &discordgo.MessageSend{ Files: []*discordgo.File{ { Name: "/tmp/outputmaze.png", Reader: f, }, }, Reference: &discordgo.MessageReference{ MessageID: m.Reference().MessageID, ChannelID: m.Reference().ChannelID, GuildID: m.Reference().GuildID, }, }) if err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "413") { s.ChannelMessageSendReply(m.ChannelID, "Solution file is too large!", m.Reference()) } else { s.ChannelMessageSendReply(m.ChannelID, err.Error(), m.Reference()) } } } } } } } }) err = discord.Open() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } stop := make (chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(stop, os.Interrupt) log.Println("Press Ctrl+C to Exit") <-stop err = discord.Close() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } func parseMessageLink(link string) (string, string, string, error) { parts := strings.Split(link, "/") if len(parts) < 7 { return "", "", "", fmt.Errorf("invalid message link format") } guildID := parts[4] channelID := parts[5] messageID := parts[6] return guildID, channelID, messageID, nil }